Commercial maturity..things to think about


Whether we like it or not, respect plays a big part in achieving commercial maturity. When both a buyer and seller demonstrate this through attitude and actions, lasting beneficial relationships are formed.

When only one party demonstrates it frustration and disillusion fester in the background until they break through, and often break-up an otherwise good working relationship.

When neither party are capable of Commercial maturity, the result is a continuous stream of half-baked contracts, where distrust and conflict play a central role. Frequently neither party consider the relationship successful, and it breaks up, just to be repeated.

You will see a common theme throughout these blogs, that of what we call “Real intelligence” as opposed to “Artificial Intelligence”. Very rarely does business conform to the level of precedent and historical repetition, needed for an algorithm to “predict” an outcome. Business decisions are invariably subjective, and are better made upon access to sensible intelligence than from a single answer. Is one opportunity really better than another?..of course not, depending on the time, circumstances or market environment. We strongly advocate a level of commercial awareness that can make sense of automated data when available, but not to be slave to it.

These blogs are written to evoke thought, maybe even ruffle some feathers, but never are they intended to be insulting.

I hope you enjoy them, and please give us your feedback, views and counter views.

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