Our Buyer and Seller tools and services


Buy-side activities

Choosing the wrong supplier can have serious consequences, however very few tools exist to help buyers make the smartest choice that meets not only their direct, but also indirect alignment constraints. 

Check out the Mbrace Supplier selection tool


Sell-side actvites

For such a complex set of activities there are shockingly few tools to help sellers develop the right mix of opportunities, or evaluate their competitive situation objectively.

Check out the Mbrace Buying Motivation suite and Opportunity portfolio tools


Sales Strategy

Many technology start-ups have great ideas, but what is their commercial value and how well adapted are they to market needs? To help small businesses grow, and investors to protect their investment, we have created tools to help better understand the commercial maturity of a company and identify the action priorities depending on where it is in its evolution.

Check out the Mbrace Commercial Maturity, and Mbrace Acquisition Attractiveness tools


Our strategy tools


Investment, Merger and Acquisitions

M&A teams although highly trained in financial management and investments, often lack the practical commercial skills to make sense of the commercial maturity of their target companies. This tool aims to fill the gap, and complement your existing audit tools to de-risk your investment decisions.

Check out the Mbrace Commercial I,M&A tool to deliver a more thorough IM&A assessment.


Corporate and Sales strategies

Many technology start-ups have great ideas, but what is their commercial value and how well adapted are they to market needs? To help small businesses grow, and investors to protect their investment, we have created tools to help better understand the commercial maturity of a company and identify the action priorities depending on where it is in its evolution.

Check out the Mbrace Commercial Maturity, and Mbrace Acquisition Attractiveness tools


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.